So currently working on building a table top table ever other day after work. Primarily designed for Warhammer - Fantasy & 40K, but can also be used for D&D and anything else we will play on it.
Design wise I'm not following any plans this is all just coming off the top of my head, so it's all up in the air about what might be on there at the end.
Seeing as typically you normally only see green, valley like tables or industrial ruins I wanted to go with something different so I thought an ice board would be an interesting idea.
So here you can see the progress so far:
So its primary made from a foam / polystyrene base glued on top of a large wood board. Currently I'm in the process of using filler to cover / strengthen all the polystyrene and wood where I want the snow effect to be. Bit of a long process at the moment as I have to wait for it to dry a lot as its hard to tell with white on white which parts id previously done.
As you can see I'v started also marking out the broken ice around the edge. The middle will be an ice lake which will be painted and coated with clear effect resin.
The plan also is to have an ice bridge that is dis-connectable going across one side to the other just to add another level to the game.
Here's a quick doodle of whats planned at the moment:
So as you can see the bridge will go across joining both larger rock formations. in contemplating the idea of a ramp on the right side also so its possible to cross over both but that's still to be decided. After all of the main stuff has been finished I still have to make terrain pieces to use as cover for war games, so this will be primary trees, large ice formations etc.
Its a bit of a shame that Warhammer doesn't like gridded terrain as that way I could easily use this board for D&D sessions also.
So for the next few days / weeks when I get a chance to work on it, it will mostly be filling in and then sanding the filler down before painting base colours.
This is the first of several, there are still 3 other large boards and 2 half boards we brought to also be designed on with various terrains, however I'll be saving 1 of the larger ones to use for D&D exclusively with a wipe-able gridded sheet. Next will probably been a more modern / future city board that cna be used for 40K, Dropzone, Shadowrun etc etc
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